Black History Month at Revel Nail

Black History Month at Revel Nail

Written By: Lyndsey Mitchelson

As Black History month draws to a close, Revel Nail wants to continue our commitment to be a brand that embraces diversity and inclusion. We’ve grown so much in the last year and are excited to be taking this journey with our customer community. That said, there is nothing we appreciate more than the feedback we get from our customers to help us grow as a company and as people. As always, there is a direct line of communication for this matter via

This month we’ve worked to amplify a few of the Black voices in our community. Our Self-Care Sunday series featured a new creator each week, centering our conversations around self-care and healing. Make sure you look out for our last Self-Care Sunday post on our Instagram this Sunday, February 28th!

Did you know, as well as being Black History Month, February is also American Heart Month? The racial disparities of heart disease aren’t lost on us, and we thought it was important to bring light to this issue. Here are some eye-opening facts from the US Department of Health and Human Services:

  • Although African American adults are 40 percent more likely to have high blood pressure, they are less likely than their non-Hispanic white counterparts to have their blood pressure under control.
  • In 2018, African Americans were 30 percent more likely to die from heart disease than non-Hispanic whites.
  • African American women are 60 percent more likely to have high blood pressure, as compared to non-Hispanic white women.

Throughout Black History Month, Revel Nail matched employee donations to American Heart Association totaling over $2,000. In addition to fundraising, we’ve taken steps internally to educate our employees on these racial disparities.

As we move forward throughout 2021, here’s what you can expect from Revel Nail:

  • As of this year, we’re putting increased focus into our charitable initiatives
  • This year, we’ll also be doing a diversity audit to better understand Revel’s demographic spread.
  • From that audit, we’ll work to build internal processes that center around diversity, equity, and inclusion
We’re so excited for the road ahead, and we’re extremely grateful for the customers we have traveling with us. We’re learning and we’ll keep getting better! As always, if you want to talk with us more about this, you can email us directly at!